Poppets On Tour:
How does our world look to Poppets? Here are some of the places Poppets have been spotted. If you see Poppets on Tour, catch
them on camera. Tell us what you saw and send your photos to: ravyn@poppetplanet.com.
I really like it when people send photos of their Poppets on Tour. It means that they're looking at things from new perspectives. Even familiar
things. A fresh perspective opens the possibility for seeing things that couldn't be seen before. The photos allow me to see those things too.
I have my own "wish list" of things I'd like to view through Poppet eyes. It includes the U. S. Constitution, the California redwoods, and real
views from the streets of your own cities. It includes the Mona Lisa, and dried up rivers and unemployment lines. It includes acts of kindness.
It includes acts of weirdness. We can talk about it on the forums. We can have fun and be creative. We can wake up a little. Together.
Poppets are bigger inside than out. They may be cute or creepy but, underneath it all, Poppets are about vision. ---Lisa
 Alia's Poppet Movie
 Trip Manhattan Concept Video
 Poppet Caught on Cellphone
 Day Poppet Diving
 Windy Night Poppet Diving